Monday, October 30, 2006

The ExtraOrdinary Story Ends At 8:34 PM

Eat Again~
The ExtraOrdinary Story Ends At 8:30 PM

The ExtraOrdinary Story Ends At 8:26 PM

Naquib,Teacher,Umi Cut The Cake..
The ExtraOrdinary Story Ends At 8:23 PM

The ExtraOrdinary Story Ends At 8:21 PM

Me & Naquib
The ExtraOrdinary Story Ends At 8:17 PM

Syafiqah,Aida & Umi
The ExtraOrdinary Story Ends At 8:13 PM
A Week Before PMR..
want to story telling about a week before PMR..thats mean
about class party..haha..
on 24th october KFC near the Pyramid..
well..we all class 3A2 was planing to do some party week was puasa we decided to do
on 24th class teacher promise us that she will arrive
at 12....but after..all of us already came..we wait the teacher..
while waiting for da teacher..we all go inside the pyramid for a window shopping..
well..we wait about one hour..and one of us are start yelling that teacher
are not of my class mate decided to call teacher..but unfotunetly..
teacher forgot about the party..what a sad day that teacher promise us again
that she will be there around 1.30 we all we start walk
again in the pyramid and stop at playwork..we all watch faiq and faried play PS2..
after that..teacher arrive..and my classmate are calling us to go to the KFC..and then we all hurry to the KFC..and found teacher..teacher said "sorry that i'm late coz i forgot about the party.."we all just.."oh..tak per.."then we start order the menu..after finish eating..around 3 o'clock...we all planing to walk around the pyramid for a while..well..its a week before PMR..we want to enjoy as we could..coz after that..we're taking i thought..that it would be interesting to be with them..but i was totally wrong..coz..we just playied bowling..and ends at 5 o'clock..haha it was soo bored..coz i win the match..hahaha
well..heres some picture for that day..i hope that you enjoyed the story and the picture that i will post..till then..take care..
Current listening:
nonecurrent mood:
The ExtraOrdinary Story Ends At 7:54 PM
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Haih..Macam-Macam Larh..
still...feeling sleepy..even its already 1.31pm..haih..
one problem past problem come...
haih..macam-macam larh..
sounds in the pc make a problem..after a few weeks
with Internet sounds problem...
what a bad luck i had....
haiyo..need to go to prayer...brb..
*20 minutes later..
back from prayer...just bored..i dunno why i want to write
something in this bloggie thingy rite now..its was a strange feeling.. you noe that i'm not the type who always wanna post a new
bloggie..haha nvm..yeah..cant wait to wait the school tomorrow ends..
i wanna to buy a second hand HP lorh..just for a momment..coz i always
used my mum HP..and my Mum angried with me coz always used her phone..
and now i decided to buy a HP...i dunt care what my mum said..coz
when i want to used the phone..of course my mum wants to used too..she
afraid that someone will call her..of course lah..shes working what...
doesn't matter lorh..coz tomorrow i will have a new HP..but second hand one..
dont mind lorh..its still long as it can use..its ok..dunt care wheter
its have a camera or not..just want to SMS her and receive some SMS from other..
thats only i did when i used my mums phone..after this..i will on my phone 24 hours
a all can call whenever you want to need to switch off
the phone already..nvm..thats tomorrow story..haha..
now..i just need to wait for my first brother to come home from camping..
i want him to check the computer why theres no sound at all??cant hear anything..
thats can make me crazy liao..i cant hear a song for a day..i can be crazy..
huargh..its make me more tension..huhuhu...still feeling full..doenst want to eat
at all..haha thx to the nasi stomach is still full of nasi lemak..
haih..dont have any idea what to rite..k lar..gtg now..its kinda bored..
see ya later..
Current listening:
none T.TCurrent mood:
a lil sad
The ExtraOrdinary Story Ends At 2:06 PM
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Lies And News
i start my day with eating roti canai that my father bought from mamak..
well..its ok la..eventough the mamak stall is new... mum said that my family wants to go to Port Dickson..
and i was so happy to hear the news..i cancel all my activities
just to go to PD...but unfortunetly...there was just a lie...
you noes what it feels when somebody lies to you..
even friends lies also you just like..urgh...
and this is your parents..what do you feel?
i cancel all the activities becouse of family..
and now..i'm bored till night..nvm lorh..
its our parents what..whats wrong if we sacrifice for our parents?
its not wrong rite?nvm lorh..forget about that for awhile..
*30 minutes later
hohoho looks like hajar had some great news..she bought a new HP..
what a shock news..haha..she gived her phone number to me and ask to save
her phone number..haha i happy lorh..coz she give her phone number..
but i think sup also get it..rite sup?haih..i didnt think that
sup is reading my bloggie after long time neva used this bloggie..
haih..what a sad you all noes that i'm taken..
i'm kinda miss her today..but what can i do?its holiday what...
nothing that i can do besides SMS her...but i need some money to tupup maa..
and yet maybe this monday i will bought a new second hand HP lah for a moment..
after my father bought his new HP...what brand ar?forgot already..ah..
its samsung brand..haha..dunno la..i heard from my father that his friends
bought it at singapore..and its quite cheap you noe..only RM600 duit melaysia..
its already kinda cheap..thats only in singapore..and not in malaysia..
dunt care lorh..his money whatever he likes lorh..dont bother..
my father said that maybe after raya he will ask some help of his friends
to buy the phone for him..and i will get my father phone..its sonny ericson brand..haha its also had noe..that i'm fanatic camera..haha..
haiya..need to cleaning my home..coz my friends wants to raya my home..
argh..i'm lazy to move on..perhaps..tomorrow i will start to cleaning my home.. idea to to you l8ter..
current listening:
Heavily Broken(live) By The VeronicasCurrent mood:
The ExtraOrdinary Story Ends At 8:25 PM
Friday, October 27, 2006
A Lil News?
its been a long time neva story telling to you guys..haha sorry..
do you want to hear the newest news about me??
now..PMR is over...and I'm
you noe what?its been a long time i've been waiting for
the "taken feeling" to come..
i dunno..why i like the feeling of "taken"
always daydream about the feeling..what would it be if
i've taken?
it sure be fun..haha now..i'm happy with my life..
and it would turn to miserable when the result of
PMR is coming OUT..I'm scared..
current listening:
welcome to the balck parade by my chemical romancecurrent mood:
in the middle of worried and happy
The ExtraOrdinary Story Ends At 1:02 PM
looks like i'm addict to bloggie again..wahahaha..
the feeling of excited is coming to me now..
really excited..dunno why..
but..after reading some of my petsis bloggie
i started to addict to write bloggie again...
dunno why..hahaha
but i'm excited..
walarh....back from kampung is making me tired..
actually..theres a lot of stories that i want to share with all..
but i didnt think that i could write it all at here..
but dunt worry..its only about the time..time baby..time..
current listening:
higher by creedcurrent mood:
The ExtraOrdinary Story Ends At 12:45 PM