Monday, December 24, 2007
kenapa la dengan aku ni?apa dah jadi dengan aku ni?semakin hari semakin aku berasa keseorangan.maksud aku keseorangan adalah macam terpinggir dari kawan.takde mood je aku ni.orang nak cakap dengan aku..tapi aku rasa macam takde mood nak layan diorang.aku lebih suka untuk mendiamkan diri aku daripada aku bercakap.aku tahu itu pelik tapi itu la aku.kebanyakkan orang salah faham dengan aku.diorang ingatkan aku ni sombong orangnya tapi apa boleh buat,biar je lah malas nak layan diorang.terutama sekali perempuan, selalu sangat salah anggap dengan aku sebab sikap aku yang pendiam.tapi aku tak kisah dengan semua pandangan mereka sebab aku selesa dengan diri aku yang begini.terpulanglah diorang nak fikir ape pun.janji aku tahu apa yang aku buat,aku tak kacau hidup orang sudah.entah lah.tak ada orang pun yang faham aku.orang yang aku selalu kongsi masalah pun tak faham dengan aku.tapi itulah manusia.seringkali berlaku sesuatu yang susah untuk di fahami.
The ExtraOrdinary Story Ends At 10:13 PM
Sunday, December 16, 2007
did you know that its kinda sad that you're lonely in this morning.sit on your computer desk,listening to the music alone without anyone besides or awake in the house coz they are sleeping to start their days for a couple of hours from was a boring day to be with but its a night without star.the sky is empty without a beautiful moon and stars.just like me.alone without anybody.i think this is the time where i could say that its privacy time besides the day.its not easy to find our privacy time during the day.theres always something will bothering you when you want to be alone.haih.its not easy to live in this world.i know some of them are enjoying their life so much becouse they satisfy about what happen to just called or consider as a luck to be in their shoes.but in my shoes?they will say life is boring and sucks.theres just a lot of empty space in my heart are just me life has a two emotions that its really keep show it self in our just between sad or was the comment emotion that all of us experiences everyday.both of the emotion are really important to us besides others emotion such as dissapointed,love,stress,depress and me without the two main emotion in our life,its not complete.we happy when everything is fine and ok but we dont when everything is not ok.thats the main reason that play role in our life usually.we used to be sad when a thing that we dislike is happen but think it twice before you think about the negative.think about negative will make it worst worst and even more worst.there must be a solution to all of our problem.if theres no solution it doesnt called problem.just clam and think positively about the matter.think how to solve the problem not just sit and let the time just flew like woundn't help you to solve the problem.if you didnt do that...what a sad life you had.just like me..i mean i'm not the kind that didnt think how to solve the problem.i'm just let the sad momment go through me with a solve method to the problem.thats the different.but many of them didnt realise about me.they didnt even notice or not even want to notice about me.they just care what i can do for them.when i think about that,that make me sad.but what can i do in this world?the world is just like that.used when they want to used.forget when they dont.argh life is so complicated to be understand.well thats life.i think you didnt even understand what i'm writing in here dont you?haha nevermind.who cares.
Current Mood:
LonelyCurrent Listening:
Lonely by Akon
The ExtraOrdinary Story Ends At 3:53 AM
Thursday, December 13, 2007
dont pretend to be ok if you're not ok.i admit it that i had say those words that are opposite to what i write in this entry.but not all people are suitable with that.i know you hate me.everyone just dont pretend that you didnt hate me.just tell me the truth and i will never disturb you again.but its not a polite way to let a person called friends who need helps and we just leaving them behind and mind our least just try to help them and after solve theirs,we can just leave them behind and never disturb them again.that was a polite way to say that after this i wont disturb you anymore but if you need helps from me,please ask.dont just shut your mouth and let it be a needle in your brain.i dont mind to helps people who are in trouble no matter who are they.even if my enemy ask help from me also i will help them.i know that everyone made a mistake in their life.but they deserve the second chances to change.if people do fults to me,i will just forgive them coz its not worthless to have an enemy.just be friendly to all of them and they will never couse you a trouble.its not wrong to be too good to people.maybe some of them will stab your back becouse of your kindness but just think twice before you taking action to them.everybody makes mistake.maybe its ok to take a little action to make them realise that what they do is wrong but just dont be too cruel to them.treat them nicely just like your family and give them second chances becouse everyone deserve the second chances to change themselfs.
Current Mood:
Depress and HurtCurrent Listening:
Hujung Dunia-Nitrus
The ExtraOrdinary Story Ends At 3:37 PM
Monday, December 10, 2007
Aku Kemalangan.hahahaha ;-)
saya kemalangan dan ia berlaku pada petang semalam di jam 18.45 petang.saya masih dalam kesakitan walaupun telah berjumpa dengan doktor dan makan ubat yang telah diberi.terasa seksa tuk diriku tidur di atas katil kerana luka yang ku alami di kaki,betis,tangan dan di bahu yang kesemuanya luka hanya di anggota badan di sebelah kiri.ini menyebabkan ku sukar untuk mendapatkan tidur yang nyenyak pada waktu malam dan hanya dua gaya sahaja yang boleh ku lakukan semasa tidur iaitu sama ada tidur seperti mayat atau pun pusing ke arah kanan.hahahaha.disebabkan kecederaan yang tidak dapat dielakkan ini hancur sudah rancangan ku pada minggu ini kerana kebatasan untuk bergerak kerana kesakitan yang teramat.kejadian ini terjadi ketika saya menunggang motorsikal selepas hujan kerana ingin balik ke rumah selepas ke kedai untuk memasukkan nilai tambahan kredit untuk telephone bimbit ku yang agak tua dan usang kerana fungsi dan rupa bentuk yang agak tua.berbalik kepada kejadian.kemalangan ini berlaku ketika di selekoh di hadapan rumah ku.aku membawa motor tersebut secara perlahan lahan kerana ku masih di katakan jr lagi kerana baru sahaja belajar dan masih tidak mendapatkan lesen kerana kemalasan yang menguasai diri dan bercadang untuk mengambil ketika berumur 18 tahun nanti.ketika ku sedang mengambil selekoh secara perlahan lahan,tetiba muncul sebuah kereta wira yang keluar secara mengejut telah mengejutkan aku sehingga aku terpulas minyak yang berlebihan dan terjatuh berdekatan dengan kereta wira tersebut.nasib ku boleh dikatakan baik kerana tidak terlanggar dengan kereta yang muncul dengan agak mengejutkan penunggang amatur yang baru belajar menunggang motorsikal.selepas terjatuh dari motorsikal tersebut ku mendapati telephone bimbit ku telah pecah berderai dari house casing dia tetapi tidak rosak kerana hanya house casing sahaja yang tercabut dari badan telephone bimbitku.tetiba pemandu kereta tersebut keluar dan memapah ku bangun sambil berkata "camman boleh jatuh ni?terkejut ke?" aku pun menjawab "a ah terkejut sebab abg keluar secara mengejut ketika saya hendak pusing lagipun jalan raya sekarang ni licin sebab baru hujan" then abg tu pun angkat motor sikal yang ku tunggang tadi dan hendak menghidupkan enjin motor tersebut tetapi ku menghalangnya kerana ingin balik cepat kerana telah hampir maghrib.lepas abg tu masuk ke dalam kereta dia still berhenti dan tengok aku untuk menghidupkan enjin motor tersebut.setelah enjin motor ku telah hidup abg tersebut pun pergi.aku balik dengan agak laju sedikit kerana kecederaan yang ku alami.ketika sampai di rumah,abg ku tidak perasan bahawa aku telah terjatuh dari motor tetapi dia perasan juga ketika ku mengambil air di belakang dan tisu tuk membersihkan luka yang dialami oleh aku kerana kemalangan yang telah ku alami.abg ku hanya gelak ketawakan aku.entah apa yang lawak pun tak tahu.hendak saja aku bagi penumbuk ke mukanya tetapi aku bertahan kerana kecederaan yang ku alaminya.selepas beberapa ketika aku membersihkan luka ku,makcik aku iaitu kakak kepada mak aku masuk ke dalam bilik dia lihat banyak tisu diselaputi darah di bilik ku lantas makcik ku terus memanggil mak ku dan mak ku membantu ku membersihkan luka.lebih kurang pukul 8 mak serta aku pergi ke klinik.ketika di dalam klinik,mereka memberikan suntikkan apa entah aku pun tak ingat lepas itu mereka membersihkan luka ku dengan agak ganaz sehingga aku punya kaki kadang kadang seperti tersepak jururawat yang membersihkan luka ku kerana kesakitan tetapi ku tahan dengan segala dayang yang termampu selepas itu mereka berikan ku ubat tuk antibiotik,ubat tahan sakit iaitu pain killer ,ubat bengkak dan ubat sapu tuk luka ku.kesemuanya berharga rm80.00.bagiku ia agak mahal hanya untuk sedikit ubat sahaja.tetapi apakan daya ini adalah nasib yang ku terpaksa jalani.sehingga sekarang aku masih mengalami kesakitan di luka ku walaupun telah makan ubat yang diberi.macam tak berkesan saja ubat yang diberi,tetapi ubat tersebut adalah juga membantu mengurangkan kesakitan tetapi bukan membunuh kesakitan.huarghh sakitt sakit sakit!!!!tapi best sebab dapat sepak jururawat tu dengan tidak sengaja.ahahahahaha kepada sesiapa yang mengenali diriku pasti sahaja tergelak menbaca cerita ini sambil menganggap diriku gila kerana telah kemalangan pun still boleh gelak gelak lagi dan kerana bahasa yang diriku gunakan seperti budak tingkatan satu menulis karangan.ahahahahaha sekian sahaja dari diriku nantikan episode sambungan seterusnya dalam beberapa hari akan datang.ehehehehehehe =)dan di bawah adalah gambar di mana ku terluka sila melihatnya.eehehehehe
Di Bahu
Di Tangan
Di kaki[Lutut sehingga di buku lali]
Current Mood:
crazyCurrent Listening:
K-Ci & Jojo-Crazy
The ExtraOrdinary Story Ends At 5:16 PM
Friday, December 07, 2007
Who I Am...
i dont know whats wrong with my self nowdays.always make other people mad or angry with me.i'm such a jerk and anoying person.i dont even know who i am.every each time i'm acting like sucks such as being cool or pretending theres no problem eventhough theres a problem.well...i love to pretending thats everything is ok infront of everyone.pretending is the best way to avoid people keep on asking about what i hate to say or discus.sometimes they ask what they shouldn't ask and that make me sick but you know that i wont show my angry face about what they ask but i will smile and shut my mouth and change the topic.they didnt know my real real life is not a great story to told.its full of sadness and i guess nobody understands my life is complicated to be understanding by others.i'm not like others that had a happy momment in their life.i didnt like they to understand my sad life coz it will make others to cry and cry and cry for the story that aren't about them but about others.when they cried out loud about me,its make me uncomfortable with them when they know about me.i just cant stand in the situasion where they pretending infront of me that everything is gonna be ok but the fact is IT DONT and everything is going to be history of sadness in my life or the prefect word to describe is PITTY ME and i dont like about that.i know who i am infront of them and please and please and please dont pitty for my sad story.hurm...well life sure does sucks if you were me.everything is not right.i hate the feeling.i guess it would be great if i'm not born into this great world.actually i hate for being me.i hate everything about me.i'm sucks if you do know me for real in my real life.
Current Mood:
depression of moodCurrent Listening:
Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls
The ExtraOrdinary Story Ends At 11:32 PM
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Whats The Tittle?
i think everything is getting better and better day by day.i love the momments wheres everything is right and great.miss the i had mood to write a bloggie if not,the bloggie will left out again(sigh haha).haih sms is bothering me.its till disturb me to write this bloggie thing.but dont care as long as i can handle i said everything is going to be change someday and its start to change now.eventhough its not really changing.but nvm its still relationship between my adik is going to be ok now.i mean,its already ok now.i'm glad its will be great soon.huh...what else to write?i dont have any idea.btw..i think its not easy to get a job.the people or the boss still dont care about the people who need a work for money exspecially students during the long school holiday including me.i dont know why,maybe the experience is playing the important part besides knowledge.but if they dont give us a chance to work,how can we experience about how to work dont you think so?that will make us dont have any experiences at all.haih i dont know la whats wrong with them.dont even care for know.meaning only for now.hohoho well my life is getting better eventhough theres still a lot of saddest momment in this year but what has past is still the past no matter what life must go on.close the book of 2007 and open the new book of 2008.yeaaaahh next year i will be final in this school.i guess what will going on with KRS next year?izit ok or not?i dont have the guts or confidence about next year eventhough i'm theirs senior or i had a lot of experience in all KRS things(actually not lots la but only a little only) but it doesnt mean that i can handle all of them plus the new member of KRS and the longest member in KRS.haih nvm coz we dont know what will happen in the future but i hope it would be the greatest year in the school since i be in the school.just hoping.hurm...i dont know what else to write..dont have any you?hahaha erm i think its time for me to leave.see l8ter bye =)
Current Mood:
normalCurrent Listening:
Pejamkan Matamu by Ronnie
The ExtraOrdinary Story Ends At 11:58 PM